About AccountingWEB.com

AccountingWEB has been providing invaluable strategic management advice to accounting professionals across the US and Canada since 1999.

Brand guidelines

This document contains guidelines for best practice in applying the brand assets available on this page. Please download and consult before working with any brand assets.


Core palette

C1, M75, Y90, K0

C100, M94, Y42, K42

Neutral Dark
C74, M64, Y59, K77

Neutral Extra Light
C5, M4, Y4, K0



Usage: Headings, Standfirsts, Buttons

Latofonts link: Lato


Usage: Body, Quotes, Links

Google link: Merriweather


Stock photography

Photography should be good quality stock showing happy professionals interacting with each other in the workplace, as well as having a focus on graphs and data. For instances where AccountingWeb is providing information, photos of professionals showcasing their knowledge and understanding should be used, i.e giving a presentation to a crowd. The images should be inclusive, relateable and have a human focus.