About PracticeWeb

PracticeWeb applies valuable sector experience and insight, to create the strategies, tools and content that help accountants and advisers make a difference. We help the UK’s brightest firms to: Build their brands. Become data driven. Communicate better with clients and prospects.

Brand guidelines

This document contains guidelines for best practice in applying the brand assets available on this page. Please download and consult before working with any brand assets.


Core palette

Purple Dark
C10, M96, Y30, K20

Purple Light
C76, M71, Y0, K0

Pink Mid
C1, M91, Y52, K0

C0, M26, Y90, K0

Secondary palette

Grey Dark
C60, M50, Y49, K44

C68, M0, Y55, K0


Galano Grotesque

Usage: Headings

Adelle Sans

Usage: Body

*Only available through Adobe Typekit*



PracticeWeb’s illustrative style combines a 14pt A4 stroke with our primary colour palette to make a bold and striking first impression.