About AccountingWEB Live

AccountingWEB Live is about supporting and engaging the whole of the UK accounting community and helping visitors and vendors alike grow their business.

AccountingWEB Live is for practice partners and accountants working in UK businesses, who are looking to navigate uncertain economic and compliance challenges, as well as streamline, automate and offer service excellence. It’s also about inspiring the next generation of accountants, showing them what a vibrant and exciting career it can be.

With its desirable blend of content, workshop and technology showcases, AccountingWEB Live will bring that community together with the industry advisers and suppliers who are committed to supporting and driving the accounting profession forward.

Brand guidelines

This document contains guidelines for best practice in applying the brand assets available on this page. Please download and consult before working with any brand assets.


Core palette

Primary Blue
C100, M96, Y36, K28

Secondary Orange
C0, M46, Y85, K0

Tertiary Orange
C0, M75, Y90, K0

Neutral palette

Neutral Light
C8, M5, Y7, K0

Neutral Mid
C52, M42, Y41, K25

Neutral Dark
C74, M64, Y59, K77


Usage: Headings, Buttons

Google link: Oswald

Open Sans

Usage: Body, Links, Quotes

Google link: Open Sans